MCAS Field Trip - MAR 3 - Shorebirds at Alva Paul and North Poin

Semipalmated Plover [photo by Bob Revel]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:       Shorebirds at Alva Paul and North Point  

DATE:                  Sunday, March 2, 2025  

TIME:                   9:00AM to 12:00 noon  

LEADER:            The Revel Team  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Enjoy a leisurely stroll along Morro Strand to look for arriving fall migrants and shorebirds on the beach. We will investigate the pond and outflow of Alva Paul Creek looking for birds that flock to this freshwater source - gulls, terns and others. Then we will continue to the North Point area to look for rock sandpipers. The walk will be on a flat beach with some areas of deep sand. Expect to walk 2 miles at a slow pace. Restrooms are available.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of FEB 20thOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can also receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. To do so you will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS websiteYou can also get MCAS Field Trip alerts, and other SLO county bird sightings, by joining SLOCOBIRDING.

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

ACE Class - Birds and Beasts

 A new ACE Course is starting this February! 

Title:                  Birds and Beasts

Instructors:       Marcella Munson and Mary Sturm

Dates:               February 18, 25, 27 @ 7PM via Zoom; March 8 in person 


From prehistoric cave art to medieval bestiaries, and Enlightenment-era encyclopedias to modern field guides, our “Birds and Beasts” ACE class will explore how humans have documented the natural world across history. In this interactive course, you’ll dive into historical illustrations, uncover the evolution of nature journaling, and create your own “Book of Nature.” The experience will culminate in an in-person nature journaling session at the scenic San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden.


This four-session course is co-led by Mary Sturm, expert nature journaling teacher and founder of the Central Coast Nature Journal Club, and Dr. Marcella Munson, an expert in medieval and early modern literature and culture. 


Course Highlights:

       Prehistoric & Antiquity – Cave paintings & classical depictions of birds

       Medieval & Early Modern – Bestiaries, symbolism, and early scientific prints

       Enlightenment to Modern – Field guides, artistic observation, and conservation


No experience necessary—just a curiosity for nature and creativity! 


Link to course registration:

MCAS Field Trip - MEMBERS ONLY - FEB 25 - Habitat: Windy Cove Mud Walk

Windy Cove [photo by Faylla Chapman]
Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents                          **MEMBERS ONLY**  

FIELD TRIP:       Habitat: Windy Cove Mud Walk  

DATE:                 Tuesday, February 25, 2025  

TIME:                  2:00-4:00pm  

LEADER:            Faylla Chapman  

CO-LEADER:     Sharon Iranpour  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Walk to Windy Cove below the Morro Bay State Park Natural History Museum learning about the plants, the mud, and the organisms that inhabit the mud. Look for the organisms of the upper intertidal on the rocks around the base of the Museum and into the Marina. Restrooms are available at the Museum.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of FEB 15thOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Our Member-Only field trips are a bonus for members. So you don’t miss out, JOIN MCAS NOW!

Questions? Email Freddy Howell

MCAS Field Trip - FEB 23 - Habitat: Fog Lichens of White Point

Lichens of White Point [photo by Ben Kolstad]
Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:       Habitat: Fog Lichens of White Point  

DATE:                  Sunday, February 23, 2025  

TIME:                   10:00am to 12 Noon  

LEADER:            Michael Mulroy  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Join lichen enthusiast Michael Mulroy for an exploration of the unique maritime lichen flora of Morro Bay at White Point. During the walk, we will learn about the charismatic fog lichens, discuss the important ecological roles of lichens in coastal habitats, and learn to identify several common and perhaps one or two locally rare lichen species. 

This walk will follow the short but steep and uneven walk up to the top of White Point Vista, the overlook at the Natural History Museum. Could be difficult for some, so please take this into consideration when registering.  Restrooms are available. Rain Cancels.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of FEB 13th. On that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can also receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. To do so you will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS websiteYou can also get MCAS Field Trip alerts, and other SLO county bird sightings, by joining SLOCOBIRDING.

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

MCAS Field Trip - FEB 16 - Birds of Morro Rock

Birding at Morro Rock [photo by Robbie Revel]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:        Birds of Morro Rock  

DATE:                  Sunday, February 16, 2025  

TIME:                   9:00am to 11:30am  

LEADER:             Claudia Freitas  

CO-LEADER:      Karen Watts  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Our leisurely walk will include a visit to both sides of the rock to observe cormorants, pelicans, sea ducks, different species of gulls and a variety of migratory shorebirds. We will look for our resident Peregrine Falcons, as well as land birds occupying the coastal sage scrub on the rock.  Walk will be about 1 mile along a flat dirt path and pavement. Restrooms are available.

ADA Accessible: Yes

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of FEB 6th. On that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. You will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS websiteYou can also get MCAS Field Trip alerts, and other SLO county bird sightings, by joining SLOCOBIRDING.

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

MCAS Field Trip - MEMBERS ONLY - FEB 10 - Birds & Butterflies of Pismo Monarch Grove

Monarch Butterflies [photo by Peggy Burhann]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents             **MEMBERS ONLY**  

FIELD TRIP:       Birds & Butterflies of Pismo Monarch Grove  

DATE:                  Monday, February 10, 2025  

TIME:                   10:00am to 12:00noon  

LEADER:            Peggy Burhenn  

CO-LEADER:     Brian O’Kelly  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Walk through the Pismo Beach State Park Monarch Grove with Peggy Burhenn, state park docent and co-author of Pismo Beach Monarchs: Magic, Myths, and Mysteries. We will observe Monarch Butterfly clusters using scopes and binoculars. Discuss the overwintering habitat and migration of the Monarch Butterfly. The grove is also good bird habitat, frequented by Great Horned Owls, Townsend Warblers, Red-tailed Hawks, Osprey and many other species and surprises. Our walk will continue past the grove into the adjacent riparian habitat. Walking to the beach afterwards is possible for those that wish to continue there on their own. The Grove Butterfly Merchandise Trailer will be open and, if interested, the above mentioned book and other butterfly related materials can be purchased. Credit and debit cards and Apple Pay are accepted. We will walk approximately 1 mile on flat ground: some on a boardwalk and some on a trail. Restrooms: there is a port-a-potty in the grove and a restroom about a one-block walk into the adjacent campground.

ADA Accessible: Yes

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of JAN 31stOn that date, only MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Our Member-Only field trips are a bonus for members. So you don’t miss out, JOIN MCAS NOW!

Questions? Email Freddy

MCAS Virtual Community Program - FEB 17 - The Triennial Tricolored Blackbird Survey, Edition 2025

Male Tricolored Blackbird [photo by Bill Haas]
MCAS February Zoom Community Program

When:        Monday, February 17th, 2025, 7:00 pm


Title:           The Triennial Tricolored Blackbird Survey, Edition 2025


Presenter:  Bill Haas, SLO County Coordinator for the Statewide TRBL Survey


Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID: 983 7543 0778; Passcode: 091300

You can also find the link in the MCAS Events Calendar on our website header


All MCAS Zoom Community Programs are free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. No signup/registration required to attend.



The Tricolored Blackbird is insect-dependent during the breeding season and largely granivorous when not breeding. Breeding-season insectivory and non-breeding granivory in this colonial species (colonies of which historically numbered in the 100,000s) put severe constraints on a bird species living in anthropogenic landscapes, where both insects and blackbirds are typically considered pests. For example, following the breeding season, most Tricolored Blackbirds move into the Sacramento Valley (although "ours" typically disperse locally), where they feed on ripening rice with other blackbirds (Beedy et. al. 2020). 


Due to their similarity in appearance to Red−winged Blackbirds, which may be legally taken (killed) without a permit under a depredation order (50 CFR 21.43), many Tricolored Blackbirds are shot each fall as they feed on ripening rice. This, in addition to historical conversion of Central Valley marsh to agriculture (and other factors) have caused the Tricolored Blackbird population to drop substantially since the 1930s. Surveys in 1934 estimated >700,000 birds in just eight counties (Neff 1937). In contrast, surveys in 2014 estimated 145,000 birds in 37 counties (Meese 2014).


Since 1994, the statewide survey has been the primary means by which the population of this species is assessed. The goal of the survey is to obtain a statewide estimate of the number of adult Tricolored Blackbirds in California. Tricolored Blackbirds are most accurately and comprehensively counted when at their breeding colonies; they are relatively sedentary at breeding colonies, when most of the population(s) congregate, which allows observers to make multiple, statistically significant estimates of colony size. (References available on request.)


Bill Haas will present a brief history of the survey; an assessment of the current status of the species statewide and locally; a brief description of the survey protocol; an introduction to a program he has initiated with the State, California, Audubon, and several resource conservation districts to create or restore breeding habitat in SLO, Monterey, and Santa Barbara counties.


Bio: Bill’s initial interest in the Tricolored Blackbird dates back to the early 1990s when, having recently returned from a 4-year Peace Corps assignment in Central America, he moved to San Diego. There he met Philip Unitt, the current curator of birds and mammals at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Phil’s interest in San Diego County’s breeding birds was contagious and when Bill asked which county species were of greatest interest to Phil and to the Museum, he responded: “Willow Flycatcher and Tricolored Blackbird.” The result? A 20-year study of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher along the San Luis Rey River and an annual assessment of “Trikes” wherever he moved, which, after San Diego included Butte, Tehama, Glenn counties and currently, Kern, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo Counties. He is currently the State’s triennial survey coordinator for San Luis Obispo County. The 2025 survey will be Bill’s 8th, and 4th as a county coordinator.


If you have questions, email Wendy McKeown, Community Programs Chair:


Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Community Programs.

MCAS Field Trip - FEB 8 - Hardie Park & Cayucos Creek

Spotted Sandpiper may be one of the many wintering species
at Hardie Park this time of year [photo by Mark Mushkat]


Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:        Hardie Park & Cayucos Creek  

DATE:                  Saturday, February 8, 2025  

TIME:                   9:00am - 11:00am  

LEADER:             Mark Mushkat  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Mark is asking that everyone who wishes to go on a field trip with him to have an eBird account. It is free, easy, and serves a highly important role in global citizen science. The eBird data is critical for countless research projects that impact conservation and funding policies around the world. The website also has amazing resources that can help you become a better and more responsible birder. 


Your registration requires your eBird user name on the form. Go to to create your account. 

Description: Explore Hardie Park and Cayucos Creek.  We’ll start at Hardie Park looking for wintering songbirds. Then we will walk to check the pool at the river mouth for gulls and shorebirds. It’s an excellent location in winter to see Ruddy and Black Turnstones and Surfbirds on the rocks to the north. We’ll walk a few hundred feet south to the pier. The pier sometimes allows close looks at scoters, terns, and sometimes Sooty Shearwaters. The road and trail are flat and we will walk about a mile.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of JAN 29th. On that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. You will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of theMCAS website. You can also join the SLOCOBIRDING email list to get ALERTs via (Field Trip alerts only)

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Freddy Howell