Presented by SLO-RATS volunteers Judy Neuhauser and Kathleen Dillon
Monday, November 19th 7 pm
at SLO Botanical Garden Oak Glen Pavilion in El Chorro Regional Park
Judy Neuhauser, in cooperation with Kathleen Dillon (also with Pacific Wildlife Care), will present a program on the dangers that the second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides present to wildlife predators across the country. RATS (Raptors Are The Solution) is a program started in the Bay Area to address this threat by educating the public on ways to promote and encourage raptors in both rural and urban areas as part of the solution to rodent problems.
Preceding the program will be an update from Hi Mountain Lookout Cal Poly student Interns, Gio Espinosa and Marie Solis, about their biological field research projects this past summer, including condor radio-tracking experience.
Also preceding the program will be an update on the PHOTO-TO-POSTCARD Contest.
The Photographers will be recognized and WINNERS congratulated!