2019 Morro Bay Christmas Bird Count Gears Up!

This year’s Morro Bay Christmas Bird Count and the annual potluck dinner are scheduled for Saturday December 14, 2019. Please circle and save the date.

Our count is part of a continent-wide citizen-science effort sponsored by National Audubon. The published results are used to assess long-term changes in the distribution and population of wintering birds.

      Opens November 1st!!

If you've participated in the CBC before... Welcome Back!

If you have not yet participated in a CBC... why not make 2019 your "First Annual CBC."
It's easy to register, and we need birders of all experience levels.

Non-members are welcome to participate too, but all counters must be registered.

Before Nov 1st, you can go out to the CBC web page to familiarize yourself with the information being provided and also to start thinking about what sectors you want to count in.

Hope to see you at the 2019 CBC potluck after the count concludes!  More to follow...