Sweet Springs Circle of Friends Plaques Installed

Thank you to our Sweet Springs Circle of Friends contributors (those who donate $500+)! Although the annual Circle of Friends celebration is being postponed until it is deemed safe to again gather together, we went ahead and installed the fiscal year 2019 plaques at the entrance to Central Sweet Springs on May 16th. Besides individual donations, 3 special plaques were added to honor our Sweet Springs Ambassadors, and Work Party and Breeding Bird Survey Volunteers.

MCAS thanks each and every one of you for your generous donations! The MCAS fiscal year 2020 began May 1st, the date we usually send out our annual fund drive appeal letters. This year, however, since many are struggling economically, we are postponing sending the letters until late summer. Should you have the means to replenish our coffers at this time, we welcome any and all donations. Options are checks to MCAS, PO Box 1507, Morro Bay, CA 93443, or donate on-line.

Both Sweet Springs and the Audubon 4th Street Audubon Overlook remain open to the public for passive recreations and fresh air (and birding, or course). We do recommend not sharing binoculars and abiding by the social distancing guidelines