16th Annual Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Open House and Social Event
Sunday, October 8, 2017 3:00 – 5:30pm
Location: Saucelito Canyon Winery Tasting Room, 3080 Biddle Ranch Rd. San Luis Obsipo, CA
Nestled in the rugged terrain of the upper Arroyo Grande Valley, Saucelito Canyon Vineyard specializes in estate-grown Zinfandel crafted from old vines planted in 1880. A passion for traditional hands-on winemaking ensures that each wine represents an authentic expression of the estate vineyard and its unique microclimate. Website at: saucelitocanyon.com
$15 per person donation request at the door (cash or check made out to ‘MCAS Hi Mountain Lookout Project’, no credit cards); college students with I.D. $10; children free. Join us for complimentary cheese and wine tasting, socializing among friends, live folk/bluegrass music, silent auction fundraiser, and an update on the California Condor Recovery Program and Hi Mountain Lookout Project.
Condor Benefit Mixer at the tasting room, 2009 Saucelito Canyon
Come and discover one of the largest and most endangered flying birds of North America. California Condors are radio tracked from Hi Mountain Lookout, flying near release and nesting sites in Big Sur and Pinnacles National Park in Central California, and Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, the Sespe Condor Sanctuary, and Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge in Southern California. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about condor biology and the reintroduction of these magnificent birds back to the wild.

For other information go to www.condorlookout.org and to the Hi Mountain Lookout Facebook page.
To RSVP for the event please contact
Steve Schubert at (805) 440-9390 or
e-mail at s_schub1@msn.com